How can a young man clean His way? Read Psalms 119:9 is and you’ll find this thought provoking question, which is answered immidiately in the same verse. However, the depth of it can only be appreciated as one takes time to dig deeper. Pastor Fabiano’s notes here helps one understand the depth of it.

    • There is an implication that we are not pure, not clean. 

    • By taking heed according to thy word. What does the injesting, meditation of God’s word mean?
      • We gain victories over temptation (Eph. 6:17)
      • The mind must constantly feed upon the Word, else the defenses of soul will break down, and Satan will gain the advantage. A neglect to study and to meditate upon the Word for even one day results in serious loss.[1]

        • Who doesn’t eat here? Why is eating so important? Without eating you are dead.
      • Remaining connected with Jesus the word: John 1:1-3; John 15; John 15:6
      • Having a daily infilling of the Holy Spirit – John 14:16-17 “another helper” like Himself (1 John 2:1) to lead us into all this truth. In fact the one of whom the word came to us – The Holy Spirit.
        • The Comforter is called “the Spirit of truth.” His work is to define and maintain the truth. He first dwells in the heart as the Spirit of truth, and thus He becomes the Comforter. There is comfort and peace in the truth, but no real peace or comfort can be found in falsehood. It is through false theories and traditions that Satan gains his power over the mind. By directing men to false standards, he misshapes the character. Through the Scriptures the Holy Spirit speaks to the mind, and impresses truth upon the heart. Thus He exposes error, and expels it from the soul. It is by the Spirit of truth, working through the word of God, that Christ subdues His chosen people to Himself.[2]

        • It is through the word that we gain faith – Rom. 10:17

    • What does It profit a man if he shall know the scriptures and does not apply what he or she reads in his/her own life? Remember what Pr. Joel just said, “the power is not in the message but in the application.” It is true that the message can and is powerful especially God’s message. However, we do not allow it to penetrate our hearts what can it accomplish? 

    • The text says do not let me wonder – we wonder sometimes, don’t we? “Come thou fount – the hymn… Prone to wonder Lord I feel it (someone read that stanza) #334. The solution is found in that last stanza.

    • The benefits of Hiding His word in our heats (v.11). The same author says the following about the word
      • Revival (Ps. 119:25, 37, 40 onwards. The whole chapter has something to say about what the Bible can do. 

        • Devotional life – take an hour daily

It would be well for us to spend a thoughtful hour each day in contemplation of the life of Christ. We should take it point by point, and let the imagination grasp each scene, especially the closing ones. As we thus dwell upon His great sacrifice for us, our confidence in Him will be more constant, our love will be quickened, and we shall be more deeply imbued with His spirit. [3]


    • Proverbs 23:23 (NKJV)

    • 23Buy the truth, and do not sell it, Also wisdom and instruction and understanding.

[1] Francis D. Nichol, ed., The Seventh-Day Adventist Bible Commentary, vol. 3 (Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1977), 897.

[2] Ellen Gould White, The Desire of Ages, vol. 3, Conflict of the Ages Series (Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1898), 671.

[3] Ellen Gould White, The Desire of Ages, vol. 3, Conflict of the Ages Series (Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1898), 83.


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