Our world is changing, and it is changing rapidly. Every night when you turn on the television, the majority of what you are going to watch is nothing but evil and negativity. The way of life has changed as well. When was the last time you roamed the streets without worrying about being too close to people? Our world is experiencing a crisis at the moment.

It is possible that you have asked your self the following questions:
Where can I find hope? What will the future look like? Where are we headed? Things seem to be getting worse and worse. Let me assure you that you can have Hope in these uncertain times.


The Bible does speak of pandemics. Take, for example, one quick verse: Matthew 24: 7-8 “For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of sorrows.” The apple Dictionary defines pestilence as a fatal epidemic disease, especially bubonic plague. There you go. However, what did Jesus say about these pandemics, would:
"Jesus says, "these are beginning of sorrows."
Note: Jesus does not say that when we see pandemics, all will be coming to an end but rather that this will only be a beginning and that things will worsen. So where is hope in this?

Without Hope, life would be meaningless. Without Hope, all would be doom and gloomy. However, with Hope, the dark tunnel is only a momentary thing, it means that there will be an end to the current reality that there will be light at the end of the tunnel – and that is what Jesus promised.

Fabiano Niyonkuru

Scripture says: Romans 15:13 “Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” (emphasis mine).
God promises hope for today and forever. I think Mark Finely says well when he says:

Those who put their faith in God are filled with hope. Our hope is anchored in a God who will never let us down (see Hebrews 6:18). It is rooted in a God who is there in our trials, with us in our difficulties. It has as it’s foundation a Christ who once dwelt in human flesh, one who understands us and strengthens us un all our trials (see Hebrews 4:15). He identifies with us in our tears and comforts our hearts. He came to prove us with the hope of a better tomorrow.

Mark Finley

My prayer is that you and me would put our trust in God. Let us have hope in God. Jesus is the answer. What is stoping you from putting your hope in God?

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